Sunday, August 11, 2019

Why I should be chosen to be the Muscle Activation Technique Trainer Essay

Why I should be chosen to be the Muscle Activation Technique Trainer for my company - Essay Example But to do this I will myself have to attend the lecture to get to know the concept inside out. This can transform lives and I don't want to miss this opportunity. The greatest pleasure is derived when a person helps another person and especially when a person is in excruciating pain, relieving him from his pain gives the ultimate joy. I firmly believe in this and this opportunity will surely give me a lot of joy and happiness. After learning the technique I will make it a point that I teach each and every one who comes in contact with me, so that this technique can pass on and be beneficial to several people. I have always wanted to do this right from my childhood; it is more like a dream to me than anything else. I would just like to say that I will be really lucky if I fulfill this dream of mine. I assure that I will certainly make a difference after learning the technique. The results will be in front of everyone to see. The satisfaction which I will derive from it would be the ultimate thing anyone would want.

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